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Industrial Crane Manufacturers in Bangalore - SGF Fab Industries

Crash Course on Manufacturing Industry

You are using a plethora of materials every day. Shops are awash with clothes and articles that are unique, utilitarian, and novel. There are also antique shops/many-splendored exhibitions that are catering to bohemian spirits and people with eclectic taste. Be it children or geriatrics, commercial space has something for everyone. From racks in supermarkets to racks in warehouses, commercialization has provided everything under the sun for everybody.

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In the construction industry, monorails manufacturers in Bangalore SGF Fab industries are pushing the envelope when it comes to affording top-hole construction equipment, cranes, and material handling equipment.

Double girder gantry - goliath manufacturers SGF Fab provide cranes that are used in transporters, trenches, erection of bulky equipment, shifting of heavy loads, mine quarries, and  heavy fabrication units. With the capability of  lifting loads up to 10 T, double girder EOT  cranes are versatile and robust. 
Brass Tacks

What is manufacturing?
To start with, what exactly is manufacturing? Manufacturing is the production of goods in large quantities after processing the raw materials into more valuable products.

Why is manufacturing important?

·   Agriculture forms the backbone of our economy. The manufacturing industries help in modernizing agriculture. Apart from this, manufacturing industries also reduce the heavy dependence of people on agricultural income. This becomes possible because of the creation of new jobs in secondary and tertiary sectors.
·         Industrial development helps in eradicating unemployment and penury.
·    Export of manufactured goods expands trade and commerce and brings in much needed foreign exchange.
·         A country with high level of manufacturing activities becomes prosperous.
Impact on GDP
The share of manufacturing sector in the GDP (Gross Domestic Product) has been stagnant at 17 percent over the last two decades. The total contribution of industry to the GDP is 27 percent out of which 10 percent comes from mining, quarrying, electricity, and gas.
According to a report published in the pioneer, a pick-up in the country's manufacturing, construction and agriculture sectors accelerated India's third quarter 2017-18 GDP growth to 7.2 per cent from a rise of 6.5 per cent achieved in the second quarter.

According to the second advance estimates of national income at constant (2011-12) and current prices for the financial year 2017-18, the GDP growth rate of the entire fiscal 2017-18 was pegged at 6.6 per cent.
The National Manufacturing Competitiveness Council (NMCC) has been set with the objectives of improving productivity through proper policy interventions by the government and renewed efforts by the industry.

Industrial Location

If you are at your wit's end when it comes to setting up a location for your industry, keep in mind these factors that supremely affect any industrial location 
·         Availability of raw materials
·         Access to easy labor
·         Availability of capital
·         Proper supply of power
·         Availability of market
·         Infrastructure

Agglomeration Economy

Sometimes, industries are located in or near cities. Cities provide markets and also provide services like banking, insurance, transport, labor, consultants, etc. Many industries tend to come together to make use of the advantages of an urban centre. This is called as an agglomerationeconomy.
In the pre-independence period, most of the manufacturing units were located in places which were near the ports, e.g. Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, etc. As a result, these belts developed as industrial urban centres surrounded by huge agricultural rural hinterland.


Raw materials, ownership etc. are some of the factors upon which industries are classified.

On The Basis of Raw Materials

Industries are divided into two types -
·     Agro-based Industries: Cotton, wool, jute, silk textile, rubber, sugar, tea, coffee, etc.
· Mineral-based Industries: Iron and steel, cement, aluminum, petrochemicals, etc.

On The Basis Of Their Role

Industries are classified into two types based on this distinction -
·    Basic or Key Industries: These industries supply their products or raw materials to manufacture other goods, e.g. iron and steel, copper smelting, aluminum smelting.
·   Consumer Industries: These industries produce goods which are directly used by consumers, e.g. sugar, paper, electronics, soap, etc.

On The Basis of Capital Investment

Industries are of two types -
·    Small-scale Industry: If the invested capital is up to Rs. one crore, then the industry is called a small-scale industry.
·   Large-scale Industry: If the invested capital is more than Rs. 1 crore, then the industry is called a large-scale industry.

On The Basis of Ownership

Based on the ownership, industries can be classified into the following four categories:
·     Public Sector: Government agencies own and operate these industries, e.g. SAIL, BHEL, ONGC, etc.
·  Private Sector: Individuals or a group of individuals own and operate these industries,  e.g. TISCO, Reliance, Mahindra, etc.
·     Joint Sector: Government and individuals jointly own these industries, e.g. Oil India Limited.
·   Cooperative Sector: Producers or suppliers of raw materials, workers or both own these industries. The stakeholders pool the resources. They share the profit or loss proportionately. AMUL which is milk cooperative is a good example. The sugar industry in Maharashtra is another example.

(Inputs from


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