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Art in Architecture - SGF Fab Industries

What made the iconic buildings of the world ICONIC?

The monument that epitomizes love - The Taj Mahal; the monument that was the world's largest cathedral for a thousand years - Hagia Sophia; an unconventional piece of architecture - The Guangzhou Opera House; these famous buildings audaciously collated unconventionality, ingenuity, hard work, and imagination.

Their architects left behind an indelible trail of  "your imagination is boundless" ideology. Thousands, perhaps, millions of people worked their fingers to the bone to breathe life into these breathtaking buildings and monuments.

Was it plain sailing for them? Were all things really hunky-dory? Of course not. Nothing that is contenting, marvelous or delicious follows a polished path. You and I cannot even begin to imagine the bottlenecks that the people involved in the construction of these beautiful buildings would have overcome.

Materials not being delivered on time; stuff that was considered apt during the planning process proves inadequate during implementation; quantity of material ordered being insufficient and the next batch will take months to come; it is torturously painful.

However, when construction equipment dysfunctions in the middle of the operation; that puts many noses out of joint. The only way to ensure smooth functioning of this fundamental step in construction is to bank on reliable industrial crane manufacturers.

SGF Fab, industrial crane manufacturers, and suppliers provide an array of cranes, material handling equipment (MHE), and industrial fabrications. SGF Fab can assuredly say that equipment-related bottlenecks in your project would be eliminated from the root.

These jib crane manufacturers hold quality, pricing, authenticity, and trust in high regard. They are armed with years of experience and a reservoir of knowledge that help them in delivering the top-notch equipment like single girder EOT crane, double girder EOT crane, material handling cage lifts, overhead traveling-type lifts, metal transfer trolleys, industrial hoists, gantry cranes, E.O.T cranes, underslung cranes, jib cranes and a host of other instruments.

These bulky toys can hugely impact the entire construction process. These machines have helped in constructing the world's greatest marvels.
Here are 15 such marvels. Dive in...

1) Hagia Sophia - Istanbul, Turkey

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2) Château de Chenonceau - Chenonceaux, France

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3) Acropolis of Athens - Athens, Greece

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4) Musée d'Orsay - Paris, France

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5) Dresden Frauenkirche - Dresden, Germany

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6) Château Frontenac - Québec, Canada

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7) The Colosseum - Rome, Italy

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8) St. Basil’s Cathedral - Moscow, Russia

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9) Forbidden City - Beijing, China

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10)  Sagrada Familía - Barcelona, Spain

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11) Le Mont-Saint-Michel - Normandy, France

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12) Angkor Wat - Siem Reap, Cambodia

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13) Konark Sun Tower - Konark, India

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14) Potala Palace - Lhasa, Tibet, China

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15) The Pantheon - Rome, Italy

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This list is just a drop in the ocean. There is a plethora of marvels whose echoes will be heard for ages.


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